A man of words and not of deeds


A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds & when the weeds begin to grow it's like a garden full of snow and when the snow begins to fall it's like a bird upon a wall & when away the bird does fly it's like an eagle in the sky & when the sky begins to roar it's like a lion at your door & when the door begins to crack it's like a stick across your back & when your back begins to smart it's like a knife inside your heart & when your heart begins to bleed your dead and dead and dead indeed.

This is my favourite poem & was written by Percy Green in 1899



@XGijaney Jane Hudson. πŸ‘€. .

I blog because I enjoy writing & so my style is what one would call a rule breaker, consistency is my downfall,. My constant rule breakers of top ten don't